dude's eye view

a 10 week workshop for boys on storytelling through film
Dude's Eye View is a 10 week residency workshop occurring in the spring for East Hampton High School boys. In proud partnership with the Hamptons International Film Festival, Dude’s Eye View gathers young men together in conversation, friendship and communication to offer a coping mechanism and a tool for self expression via story telling through film. The workshop focuses on building self-reliability, public speaking and communication skills while impact fully examining how we share emotions and how to journey on an artistic path. Participants convey their uncensored views through images, music and text into a cinematic story that is then shared in an off-school premises public screening with a film professional moderating a Q & A talk back with the young filmmakers. Led by two male teaching artists.
This program came to be when we were receiving calls and emails from local parents of boys alarmed by the
onslaught of drug and alcohol abuse problems and suicides happening among some of our
boys in our community.